domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015


SULLANA: La Perla del Chira

In this oportunity, I'm going to talk about my city and its amazing things. 
My city is very beautiful, meanly by the people who make it, those honest and warm people who help to preserve and keep its name high. Besides its customs, traditions, beliefs, flora and fauna, its fertile land, its ideologies, its gastronomy and other treasures that are part of it are the basis with which to discribe the history of this great city. Well I'm talking about Sullana: La perla del Chira.

The province of Sullana is a land blessed by God, all who conform it are the heirs of the Tallan culture and the fortitude of the Capullana woman, the sullaneros of today work with effort and dedication to crystallize the progress and development of their homeland small . Sullana de Yesterday and Hoy was born for you and for you. I invite you to visit the wonders that my Sullana has. The Perla Del Chira Province of Sullana was created by law n ° 1441 of the 4 of November of 1911.

Sullana is located on the banks of the CHIRA RIVER at 4 ° 53'18 "south latitude, and 80 ° 41'07" west longitude, at a height of 60 m.s.n.m. It borders on the north with the department of Tumbes, on the south with the province of Piura, on the east with the province of Ayabaca and the Republic of Ecuador, and on the west with the provinces of Talara and Paita.

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Flora and fauna of sullana

Sullana is a biodiverse city, that is to say it has a great amount of species, from the plants to the animals:

Sullana is a rich valley that produces a variety of vegetables, legumes, carob trees, tamarinds, gualtacos, willows, fruits such as mango, mandarin, orange, banana, papaya, lemon, plum mango, plums.
It also produces a large amount of rice that is industrialized in rice mills owned by peasant cooperatives or the private sector.
Cotton is another of the riches that the Chira Valley processes, the same that is industrialized in the factories of Pira and Lima.

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In this aspect the Chira Valley is also rich in species. It produces cattle, horses, donkeys, swine, goat cattle, there are also birds such as hawks, owls, parakeets, pigeons, herons, poultry such as chickens, turkeys, singing birds such as black, zoona, chiroca, breasts , Chilalo, hummingbird, etc.
There are also dogs, cats, pumas and tigrillos, the latter in the Angolo.
Among the most important reptiles we have iguanas, lizards, jañapes, colambos, pacazos and macanches.
There are also insects such as pesky crickets, flies and mosquitoes (especially in the rainy season), bees, wasps, ants, butterflies, moths, beetles, as well as arachnids and batrachians.

 Tourist places of sullana

In the various districts of Sullana you can find many tourist destinations that are not to be missed. Thus we have:

-The Ornamental Pool
-Main square of Sullana
-Church of Sullana
-The New Bridge "Artemio Vargas": Known as "Sullana" Bridge or "New Bridge"
-The Old Bridge "Isaías Garrido Ugarte": Known as "old bridge"
-Sullana Dam
-Paseo "Turicarami"
-Coto Caza El Angolo (3 hours from Sullana)
-Los Cerros De Amotape National Park (4 Hours From Sullana)
-La Casona De Sojo (18 minutes from Sullana)
-Villa San Miguel De Tangarará (20 Minutes From Sullana)
-La Laguna De Los Patos (35 Minutes From Sullana)
-Reservoir De Poechos (1 hour from Sullana)
-Baños Sulfurosos De Agua De La Leche (2 hours from Sullana)

-The Fall Of Curumuy (45 minutes from Sullana)

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Sullana, is a gastronomic paradise for the exquisite typical meals that it has. Among the most characteristic dishes is:

-Seco de Chavelo (plantain kneaded with chicharrón)
-Chifles (thin slices of green banana, fried in oil).
-Meat: Minced meat (chunks of beef and fried pork with), carne seca or cecina, Cabrito, "Rachi rachi"
-Fish: Tollito aliñado, Sudado, Cachema frita or Cebiche.
-La chicha de jora, the drink of the Tallanes, based on corn.

-Desserts and sweets typical of Sullana: Sullanerísimo Chumbeque (nougat layers with honey), delicious custards based on goat's milk, cocadas, alfajores de guanábana, bombitas, peanut-based "cobs" "Which are miniature candy.



Sullana is a province that has a strategic geographical location, a rich history, a good climate, a variety of natural resources as well as a great amount of customs and traditions, transmitted from generation to generation by its inhabitants. It is important to emphasize the importance of the same in the development of the province; As these are the ones that give a touch of magic, splendor and mystery making our beloved "Pearl of Chira" a charming province. For this I will start by clearly defining what each of them are and among the main customs and traditions that stand out in Sullana, we can observe and live:

1. Los angelitos y las velaciones:
It is the feast of all saints and deceased, which takes place November 1 and 2, respectively, where the people find a way to expand their devotion in an exaggerated cult to the memory of the dead.

2. El cepelio:
It consists of moving the deceased from the house where he lived or where he was "veiled" to the cemetery, accompanied by a number of people, an event known as a funeral procession.

3.El pelamiento:
It is a custom where the ceremony of cutting a child's hair is performed for the first time. For this, the parents select and invite as godparents the people closest to you and with good financial resources.

4. El mal de ojo "ojeado":
Caused by the strong gaze of some people believed to have the power to "glimpse", it usually occurs in infants and young children, also attributed to evil spirits attracted by the beauty of an infant or by a grace of this.

5. El susto:
It is also known as "evil of terror" and by others "damage". It is a neuro-psychiatric disease in which the individual is affected by a very unpleasant emotion or terror caused by a blow, or by unforeseen appearances of harmful animals, lumps or shadows or dogs that frighten at night.

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Definitely, all these things show me that Sullana is a city with a cultural history, which is still maintained until today and are already part of my identity. Also today the City is an urban-commercial-administrative and financial center, which boasts of being one of the largest and most developed cities in the country. Its valley, irrigated by the Chira River, allows to have an intense agricultural activity in products for the export and for the national consumption and also configures a natural and tourist space worth admiring. 
In conclusion my dear "Perla del Chira", I reaffirm has an abundant commerce that constitutes an essential element for the economic development of Sullana and it is our duty to know and value this commercial activity.